Saturday, February 2, 2019

Paragraph on My Parents

My Parents

I have come of a noble family and my parents are like an ideal to me. Though they are not very rich in money but mindly l think very rich. They are belonging to the poor middle-class society. My father Nurul Islam is a government empioyee. He is a teacher of govt. High School. His mind is very deep in knowiedge and of good qualities, simple minded, and lover of wisdom and knowledge is in one hand and the religious like saint and perfect man in other hand. My father is the only earning
member of our family and with his meagre income he maintains our family with contentment and happiness. He is not ambitious man and his wants are little. So we have no sorrow of getting unnecessary something. My mother Momena Begum is a house wife and the symbol of love and patience. She is an ideal mother. She is also very pious woman. She becoes satisfied with what my father provides. She has contentment also with her own conditions and so peace and love stir always in his heart. She performs the entire volume of household work all by herself and never feels bothered and vexed. I have only a sister elder in respect of age. She sometimes helps mother in house-hoid work. She studies in the University in Bangla literature. My parents want us to be religious and wise. They take care of us very decently and wisely. They always try heart and soul to fulfil our wants. If we fall ill they spare no pains for our early recovery. Their faith in Allah is like a mountain and never they fill frustrated. They always become contented with their situation that is rarely seen. My parents are not only the ideal parents but also the best friends. They can understand understand our mind and behave according to this. We are highly proud of our parents and we thank Allah for bestowing us such kind and generous parents. Whenever they fall ill I take their proper care.

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